Suppose I'm cleaning some html using HtmlCleaner (v2.18) and I want to set the property invalidAttributeNamePrefix
(see section Cleaner parameters) to some value, i.e.: data-
This way an attribute my-custom-attr="my-value"
in the HTML will be transformed to data-my-custom-attr="my-value"
How can I do that? I wasn't able to find any example for the Java usage.
You can take as reference this piece of code:
HtmlCleaner cleaner = new HtmlCleaner();
CleanerProperties properties = cleaner.getProperties();
// properties.setInvalidAttributeNamePrefix("data-"); there is no such method
// html is a declared variable which contains some html content
TagNode rootTagNode = cleaner.clean(html);
XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new PrettyXmlSerializer(properties);
String cleanedHtml = xmlSerializer.getAsString(rootTagNode);
Upgrading to version 2.22 solves this.
Now it can be done
// ...