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Troubles with function calling

I'm using EditArea editor. There is function: editAreaLoader.execCommand, it receives id of editor and command with arguments. So the code:

$(document).ready(function() {
   // Call go to line function after click at button
   $('#line_go').click(function() {
      editAreaLoader.execCommand('example_1', 'go_to_line', $('#line_to').val());

    // Try to do the same but after loading of the page
    editAreaLoader.execCommand('example_1', 'go_to_line',$('#line_to').val() );


<input type="edit" name="line" id="line_to" value="15" /> 
<input type="button" name="line_go" id="line_go" value="Go" />

So, when the page loads nothing happens. But when I click at button editor goes to line #15 (or something else if I change it). console.log shows 15.

When I wrap execCommand (second, which is called after page loading) with alert, for example, it returns false.

What's wrong is there? Why does call after page loading returns false? Thanks.


  • It looks like $(document).ready(...) fires before your EditArea instance has finished initialising itself. When you fire the click event on #line_go it is after the EditArea instance has initialised and is therefore able to retrieve information about it or perform actions upon it.