I curl a html page and stock output into variable, so I try to extract a word between two value, but I failed.
</tr> <tr> <td><a <a href="https://test/one/AAA">AAA</a></td>
<td>Thu Aug 30 09:59:36 UTC 2018</td> <td align="right"> 2247366 </td>
<td></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a
href="https://test/one/1.1.22">1.1.22</a></td> <td>Thu Aug 30 09:59:36
UTC 2018</td> <td align="right"> 5 </td> <td></td> </tr> </table>
</body> </html>
content=$(curl -s https://test/one/)
echo $content | sed -E 's_.*one/([^"]+).*_\1_'
I try to catch value after one/ and before ", so I want to extract AAA, 1.1.22,...
$ ... | sed -E 's_.*one/([^"]+).*_\1_'
since you have slash in your content, better to choose a different delimiter, here I used _
UPDATE Since you changed the input file format dramatically, here is the updated script
$ echo "$contents" | sed -nE '/one/s_.*one/([^"]+).*_\1_p'