I'm generating dynamic radio buttons which will all be consolidated on form submit not individually. I however need to bind them to a particular value in my component individually which I have no clue how to do.
I've seen the other related posts on this subject on stackoverflow but none of them seem to help me out.
Here's my code:
<input type="radio" class="one" id="{{ i }}_{{ candidate.user._id }}_{{post.id}}_{{ candidate.date}}" name="{{post.id}}" [value]='candidate.user._id' [(ngModel)]="post.id">
<label for="{{ i }}_{{ candidate.user._id }}_{{post.id}}_{{ candidate.date }}">
<img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/242518/check-icn.svg" alt="Checked Icon" />
Any help will be appreciated.
Take a new variable of an array in component :
private radioButtonValues : Array<any> = [];
then bind it in you ngModel with index i
as :
<input type="radio" class="one"
id="{{ i }}_{{ candidate.user._id }}_{{post.id}}_{{ candidate.date}}"
if you want some manipulation you can also use ngModelChange
event for more functionality.
<input type="radio" class="one"
id="{{ i }}_{{ candidate.user._id }}_{{post.id}}_{{ candidate.date}}"
then declare function in your component class
changeEventInRadioButton($event) {
at last on form submission check