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GCloud - Where to place project when working with multiple users?

First of all, I'm new to the GCloud platform and to everything cloud related in general.

I want to work with multiple users (with different Google Accounts) on one project in the GCloud. I already granted the users all the necessary rights, to access my project.

I plan on running a Kubernetes Cluster. I followed this tutorial and everything worked fine. But now I figured out, that other users can't acces my project folder, because it is in /home/USERNAME.

Also when saving some dummy file to /tmp the other users can't see it and I read, that the GCloud Shell is per user and not per project.

My question is, where can I clone my git project to on the GCloud platform so that other users can git pull when there are code changes? Or should I setup my project differently? Also they would need acces to the dockerfile in order to build a new image for Kubernetes.

Do I have to use a CI/CD solution? As I'm working on a school project currently, there is no need for CI/CD.


  • Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket or any other SCM should do. That way each of the users can have their own local repository of the code you are working on. CI/CD is not obligatory and you can deploy your applications without it, however it can make your life easier when working with large codebases and when you are deploying often.