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angular REST get ID only from call

I want to do a call then get the ID from that call and use it in some code later but how do I only get the ServiceProvider number? this is what I get from my rest call:

     {"mitId": 18,
     "ServiceProvider": "2"}

this is my current call

  GetServiceProviderId() {
    var spid = this.http.get<Info>(this.rooturl + 'info', { headers: this.reqHeader})

    return spid;

So I want to use the ServiceProvideNumber in another call but how do I only return the 2?


  • I ended up doing this:

      GetServiceProviderId(): Observable<Info> {
        return this.http.get<Info>(this.rooturl + 'info', { headers: this.reqHeader })

    this just returns the json request I then will use pipe and flatmap to get the '2'

      GetInstallation(): Observable<Installation[]> {
        return this.GetServiceProviderId().pipe(
          flatMap(info => {
            return this.http.get<Installation[]>
              (this.rooturl +
              "url/?serviceproviderid=" +

    this will make the call api/url/?serviceproviderid=2