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Interact with AdobeReader plugin in WebBrowser control

I'm using WebBrowser to show PDF files.

<WebBrowser x:Name="Browser"/>


By setting startup parameters (see here: it is possible to change the layout of the adobe reader plugin.

It is possible to ineract with the plugin after it has been loaded in the WebBrowser? For example jump to page x?!

The user has to change the pages by tap left or right (on screen). When using Page down or Page up I have two problems:

  1. The user has no Keyboard. Only a touch monitor
  2. The page does not fit exactly anymore after some page changes

Adobe Parameter list:


  • As a workaround solution to fix the following problems:

    The page does not fit exactly anymore after some page changes

    Change the default settings in the adobe reader to "only one page per view".

    The user has no Keyboard. Only a touch monitor

    Simulate the Keyboard events