Search code examples

How to extract JSON array fields using HTTParty?

I am using FOOD2FORK api to extract data using HTTParty in ruby.

My code :

require 'httparty'  #Note : This file is in the models >> filename.rb
#Don't need to require when using bundler
#Restful Web Services 
#1. Base URI 2. Support XML or JSON 3. Support HTTP operations (GET, POST)
#Think of web at MVC : website you can get resources in any format 
#HTTParty parses XML or JSON for you (like your browser - it's a client).  Parses into a Ruby hash or array

class Recipe
    include HTTParty
    ENV["FOOD2FORK_KEY"] = "5b6b74c6cc0fa9dc23871a7ae753f6c7"

    base_uri "" #Same across most requests 
    default_params key: ENV["FOOD2FORK_KEY"], fields: "image_url" #defaults, like API developer key #fields: "image_url, source_url, title",
    format :json #Tell it which format data comes in
    #q:"search" request parameter 

    def self.for (keyword) 
        #class method called for which takes in a term 
        get("/search", query: {q: keyword})["recipes"]  #get is method provided by HTTParty 

        #returns array where each element in the array is a hash 
    pp Recipe.for "chocolate"

It's returning me

    "publisher"=>"BBC Good Food", 
    "title"=>"Cookie Monster cupcakes", 

But I only want to extract it's image_url even on using field it's extracting the whole data set any idea how to extract only image_url ?

P.S You can check the format of JSON here -


  • Below code should work

    response = your response from API
    response_data = JSON.parse(response.body).with_indifferent_access
    response_data['recipes'].each do |recipe|
      puts recipe['image_url'] # image_url of block