I can successfully split a sentence into its individual words and take of every average of the polarity score of every word using this code. It works great.
import statistics as s
from textblob import TextBlob
a = TextBlob("""Thanks, I'll have a read!""")
for i in a.words:
d = s.mean(c)
d = 0.25
a.words = WordList(['Thanks', 'I', "'ll", 'have', 'a', 'read'])
How do I transfer the above code to a df that looks like this?:
1 Thanks, I’ll have a read!
but take the average of every polarity per word?
The closet is I can apply polarity to every sentence for every sentence in df:
def sentiment_calc(text):
return TextBlob(text).sentiment.polarity
return None
df_sentences['sentiment'] = df_sentences['text'].apply(sentiment_calc)
I have the impression the sentiment polarity only works on TextBlob type.
So my idea here is to split the text blob into words (with the split function -- see doc here) and convert them to TextBlob objects. This is done in the list comprehension:
[TextBlob(x).sentiment.polarity for x in a.split()]
So the whole thing looks like this:
import statistics as s
from textblob import TextBlob
import pandas as pd
a = TextBlob("""Thanks, I'll have a read!""")
def compute_mean(a):
return s.mean([TextBlob(x).sentiment.polarity for x in a.split()])
print(compute_mean("Thanks, I'll have a read!"))
df = pd.DataFrame({'text':["Thanks, I'll have a read!",
"Second sentence",
"a bag of apples"]})
df['score'] = df['text'].map(compute_mean)