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How to use Mapbox Mapmatching API output with mapbox-gl-js?

I am quite new to this , really need guidance,

I understand that with Mapbox Map Matching API, i will get the raw out put of correct location, but what I dont understand, how can i use mapbox map-matching API output with mapbox-gl-js to create correct map?

Do i need to use mapbox-match-js for this ? if yes , how do i pass the geo json?

L.mapbox.mapmatching(geojson, options, function (error, layer) {
        color: '#9a0202',
        weight: 4,
        opacity: 0.8

there is a demo html here, but the raw out put is not same as map-matching API out put,

Can any one please help me with this ?

Thanks for your help.


  • I had the same problem and this is my solution:

    1) Add <script src=""></script> in my index.html file.

    2) Use mapbox.matching:

    var mapboxClient = new MapboxClient(mapboxgl.accessToken);
    // dataToAddLine: array like:  
    // [
    //    [13.418805122375488, 52.50059890747071],
    //    [13.419144630432129, 52.50109481811523]
    // ]
      , function(err, res) {
     // do something with res


    You can test res coordinates here: geojson

    I hope this solution helps you too.