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push from bare git repository

I am trying to use a bare git repo as a bridge between my working repo and the origin

origin ----- bare repo ----- working repo

I can go into the working repo and push and pull from the bare repo. But I also need to go into the bare repo and push and pull form the origin, is that possible?


What I've tried so far...

To create the bare repo

mkdir bare_repo
cd bare_repo
git init --bare
git remote add origin path_to_origin
git fetch origin

To create the working repo

git clone path_to_bare

I get a warning: "remote HEAD refers to nonexistant ref, unable to checkout", but it still creates the working repo

git pull origin master

I get an error: "Couldnt find remote ref master"


Turns out I had a write permissions issue, and so I couldn't push from the working repo to the bare repo. So I general I need to check permissions for all my repo locations before asking questions... Now everything is working...

One things is, if someone else pushes a commit to the origin, I will need to fetch that commit from my bare repo and update the branch on my bare repo. The fetch is simple enough

# in bare repo
git fetch origin master

but I dont know the best way to update the branch. I cant pull because there is no working directory. I can get the hash of the new commit using

git ls-remote

and then manually point the branch to it with

git branch -f master <hash>

But it seems like there would be a better way.

But I think that should be a separate question.


  • You can clone the original repo as a bare repo with: git clone --bare <repo url>