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IFTTT & Raspberry pi: Assigning value from terminal to IFTTT web request

I made a Webhook Applet in IFTTT, which would send me a mail when "print" action triggers

In the URLs JSON body I can give values like this

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"value1":"9"}'

What I want to do is find my public ip address and pass it as value1.

I found my IP by

value1=$(dig +short
echo $value1

How can I pass value1 to above URL

I tried


P.S: I have zero basic knowledge in shell script. This is the first time i'm doing it


  • Expressions inside single quotes do not get expanded in the shell, they are taken as literal. That means, if you store your IP address in a variable called ip like this:

    ip=$(dig +short

    and you put that in single quotes, it won't get expanded:

    echo '$ip'

    whereas if you put it in double quotes, it will get expanded:

    echo "$ip"

    So, you need double quotes, but that will cause a problem because you need double quotes around your JSON strings, so you need to escape those by prefixing them with backslashes. So, you want:

    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"value1\":\"$ip\"}"