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Maven Findbugs plugin not executing with mvn site command

I'm trying to get Findbugs working with an existing/mature Maven project.

I added the following to the <plugins> tag in my pom.xml:


I then see that the Findbugs plugin runs when you run mvn site. Since the build invocation for my project is aleady:

mvn clean jacoco:prepare-agent test site jxr:jxr -Dkey1=123 -Dkey2=456 -Denvironment=DEV

...I just run it like I normally do. The build succeeds and I go to my normal site summary in my browser:

enter image description here

No where from here can I find any "Findbugs" reports or anything that mentions Findbugs at all. When I do a grep for Findbugs (grep -rl "findbugs" .) I do see that many of my ./target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml files have the term "findbugs" mentioned in them.

Worth mentioning that I do not see a target/site/findbugs.html file after the successful build...

Any ideas as to where I can find HTML Findbugs output under my Site summary (or anywhere else)? Looking for a nice HTML report showing which (if any) Findbugs checks failed.


  • You should add the FindBugs plugin in the <plugins> section of the <reporting> section of your pom.xml:


    The question just states <plugins>, not sure if that could be the issue.