I have a rake task that I want to pass parameters to. For example, I want to issue a command like
<prompt> rake db:do_something 1
and inside the rake task:
cust = Customer.find( the_id_passed_in )
# do something with this customer record, etc...
Pretty straightforward, right?
The way rake commands accept and define arguments is, well, not pretty.
Call your task this way:
<prompt> rake db:do_something[1,2]
I've added a second parameter to show that you'll need the comma, but omit any spaces.
And define it like this:
task :do_something, :arg1, :arg2 do |t, args|
args.with_defaults(:arg1 => "default_arg1_value", :arg2 => "default_arg2_value")
# args[:arg1] and args[:arg2] contain the arg values, subject to the defaults