On 2 distinct independent systems, I have Anaconda/Miniconda. On my default virtual environment on either one, since 2018-8-15, when I import pandas or matplotlib, I get errors module 'numpy' has no attribute '__version__'
and module 'numpy' has no attribute 'square'
, respectively.
An update to conda or one of the modules may have done damage, but I haven't been able to figure out. The computers, one is a Mac and one a Windows PC. The only common features are that I use the Jupyter Notebook environment on both systems, both are default environments, both may have deep learning packages installed on them (as opposed to the other environments which are still functioning well), and I've been using the Jupyter Notebook environment to code on both.
Has anyone come across this problem? Is there a solution? Is it waiting for a fix update?
I had this issue and I think it is related to a broken install. I fixed mine with conda update --all
. But I guess you can fix it with uninstalling numpy and reinstalling it back.