I would like to code a custom comparator for a std::multimap
. What I would like to do is to compare the keys, in case they are equal, then compare the values. I'm trying to do it by overloading the operator()
in a struct and passing the function object as a third parameter in the std::multimap
struct CustomComp {
bool operator()(int key_lhs, int key_rhs){
if (key_lhs < key_rhs) return true;
if (key_lhs == key_rhs) //Check values;
else return false;
multimap<int, int, CustomComp> myMap;
How can I access the values, not only the keys, if both are int?
What I would like to do is to compare the keys, in case they are equal, then compare the values.
No, you can not make a comparison for std::multimap
according to the values.
I would suggest using std::vector< std::pair<int, int> >
instead and simply sort. The operator< of std::pair
will take care of what you want.
std::vector< std::pair<int, int> > vec{ {1,2}, {1,-1},{ 2,2 } ,{ -1,1 } };
std::sort(std::begin(vec), std::end(vec));
Update: After reading the other answer(i.e, std::multiset<std::tuple<int, int>>
), I was thinking about, how bad is the std::multiset::insert
Then I came up with the following benchmark, which shows, why should be std::vector
at first place in the above problem.