I want to export data using bcp
command and the output of the bcp
command should be stored in the variable.
My try:
DECLARE @Result varchar(max)
DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(max)
SET @SQL = N'Execute xp_cmdshell ''bcp "SELECT * FROM EMP" QueryOut "E:\BCP\Result.pec" -T -t@_@ -c -o "E:\BCP\LogReport.txt"'''
EXEC sp_executesql @SQL, N'@Result nvarchar(75) OUTPUT', @Result =@Result output
But getting an error in the output:
bcp: Unable to open output file E:\BCP\LogReport.txt: No such file or directory
1. How to store the above output result into the variable?
2. Given permission to the file and folder too, but still getting this error.
---------------------------------------- 1 -------------------------------------------
(error_msg VARCHAR(800))
@SQL varchar(8000),
@Result_var VARCHAR(MAX)=''
SET @SQL = N'bcp "SELECT * FROM <MY_DATABASE>.<MY_SCHEMA>.<MY_TABLE>" QueryOut "E:\BCP\Result.pec" -T -t@_@ -c -o "E:\BCP\LogReport.txt"'''
-- Insert the output from xp_cmdshell into the table @Result
INSERT INTO @Result (error_msg)
EXEC xp_cmdshell @SQL
-- Merge the rows
SELECT @Result_var = @Result_var + ' ' + ISNULL(error_msg,'') FROM @Result
-- Output in variable
PRINT @Result_var
2. For me, your command works, check access to folders and subfolders (for database user), check permissions on the sql server.