I have a problem with navigation in the browser using elm. The error occurs as I navigate to a certain page /thing/sufflist which flickers by and then I get transfered to the path /home. Using my browser back button I can visit the /thing/stufflist page without any problems.
The /thing is a main page regarding the thing and it then has equalents of tabs at /thing/xxx
I have the following routing set up with elm navigation:
case routePath of
DefaultRoute ->
notFoundPage model
HomeRoute ->
homePage model
ThingTab id page ->
case String.toInt id of
Ok thingId ->
ThingMain.page thingId model page
Err error ->
ThingMain.page 0 model page
NotFoundRoute ->
notFoundPage model
The ThingMain.page is
page : Int -> Model -> String -> Html Msg
page thingId model page =
maybeThing =
|> List.filter (\thing -> thing.id == thingId)
|> List.head
case maybeThing of
Just thing ->
case page of
"info" ->
thingView thing (thingInfoView thing)
"stuffs" ->
stuffs =
|> List.filter (\stuff -> stuff.ting.id == thingId)
thingView thing (stuffsView stuffs)
_ ->
Error.notFoundPage model
Nothing ->
Error.notFoundPage model
This suffsView:
stuffsView : List Stuff.Stuff -> Html Msg
stuffsView stuffs =
div [class "dialog-large"][
div [class "list"][
renderStuffList stuffs
Use this method to render the list:
renderStuffList : List Stuff.Stuff -> Html Msg
renderStuffList stuffs =
if List.isEmpty stuffs then
text "No stuff"
|> List.map ( \stuff -> listStuff stuff )
|> ol [ class "stuff-list" ]
And is fed into this general page method:
thingView : Thing.Thing -> Html Msg -> Html Msg
thingView thing tabContent =
div [class "mr-main flex-column flex-start"][
h4 [][ text (thing.name) ]
, tabContent
,div [class "dialog-large split-choice"][
button [class "input", onClick (Msg.Navigate("thing/" ++ toString thing.id )) ][
text ("Info")
,button [class "input", onClick (Msg.PostAndNavigate (stuffListRequest thing.id)) ][
text ("Stuffs")
,div [class "dialog-large split-choice"][
button [class "input half-width", onClick ( Msg.Navigate("home") ) ][
text ("Home")
It all works fine in all cases except when it gets the stufflist tab with an empty list. And as stated I can even browse back and view my No stuff page.
It all seems rather (black)magic to me and I have no idea where to look?
There is nothing wrong with this code. As I suspected it turns out to be my own fault.
There is a human error in my logic as I do a get(ish) request to sync data when I navigate to /thing/stufflist. Turns out I did not get a list if there was nothing in it.