I'm testing some Future
that fails, and I tried it in two different ways, one that works:
intercept[NoSuchElementException] {
Await.result(dao.findById("some_id"), Duration.Inf)
and one that dosen't:
a[NoSuchElementException] should be thrownBy dao.findById("some_id")
It happened to me before, and I'm trying to figure out why is that..?
Would love to get some help understanding this.
simply throws NoSuchElementException
if it fails:
def findById(id: String): Future[Person] = {
collection.find(json(Vendor.PersonId -> id))
.requireOne[Person] recover {
case NoSuchResultException => throw new NoSuchElementException
The problem you are facing is that the Future
is not handle correctly.
Given this definition:
def findById(id: String): Future[Person] = {
collection.find(json(Vendor.PersonId -> id))
.requireOne[Person] recover {
case NoSuchResultException => throw new NoSuchElementException
the recover
will map a NoSuchResultException
into a throw new NoSuchElementException
, but it always wrapped inside the Future
This means that returned object will be a failed Future
and the method won't throw any exception.
To handle such case you could, for example, mix-in your test class with the ScalaFutures
trait in scalatest. This helps you to handle the future like
dao.findById("some_id").failed.futureValue should be a[NoSuchElementException]