I'm building a code blog on a rails 5.1.6 app that uses turbolinks 5.2.0.
I want to do a really simple thing, which is highlight the code (using a js plugin) after the content is loaded, so I added this to the page:
$(document).on "turbolinks:load", ->
That works well on a fresh load. However, when you're in another page and you click a link to go there, the turbolinks:load
event is fired before the content is updated, so the highlight doesn't work.
Do you know what's happening or how to fix this?
I know turbolinks:load
is fired before the content changes because I tried adding a debugger
$(document).on "turbolinks:load", ->
debugger # => This is called before new content is rendered
This is the simple Highlighter.init()
class Highlighter
@init: ->
console.log "Trying to highlight"
The issue is that hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad()
sets up the plugin to work on only DOMContentLoaded
or load
. These events are only called on the initial page load, so after that, they are never called again.
Here's the order of relevant events:
(your code sets up highlighter to be called on load
(which initialises highlighting)turbolinks:load
(your code sets up highlighter to be called on load
is not triggered again until a full page loadTo fix this you'll need to follow the Custom Initialization instructions and adapt them for Turbolinks:
$(document).on('turbolinks:load', function() {
$('pre code').each(function(i, block) {
I'd recommend that this is included in your main application JavaScript file. Adding event handlers in inline script tags in the <body>
can often cause problems unless they are properly removed.