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SQL Transpose Columns into Rows

I've been trying to transpose this;

**ProjectNum    PillarID    BusinessPillar**
95329           29          Pillar29
95329           1           Pillar1
95354           1           Pillar1
95354           4           Pillar4
95354           7           Pillar7

Into this;

**ProjectNum    Pillars**
95329           Pillar1, Pillar29
95354           Pillar1, Pillar4, Pillar7

I have looked at using pivot/unpivot and I've gotten this far

    @query AS NVARCHAR(MAX)
select @cols = STUFF((SELECT ',' + QUOTENAME(PillarID) 
                from dbo.MyTable
                group by BusinessPillar, PillarID
                order by PillarID
        FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
        ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 
set @query = N'SELECT ProjectNum, ' + @cols + N' from 
            select ProjectNum, PillarID, BusinessPillar
            from dbo.MyTable
        ) x
            for PillarID in (' + @cols + N')
        ) p '
exec sp_executesql @query;

However I am having a lot of trouble figuring out how to combine all of the pivoted results into a single, comma separated column like in my desired example.

Any help or direction is appreciated.


  • You can use the following query to get the result that you want:

    SELECT ProjectNum, STUFF(
         (SELECT DISTINCT ', ' + BusinessPillar
          FROM Test
          WHERE ProjectNum = t.ProjectNum
          FOR XML PATH (''))
          , 1, 1, '')  AS Pillars
          FROM Test as t
          GROUP BY ProjectNum

    Here's the SQL Fiddle link : SQL Fiddle