I need to create a ban list in my DB. Before you ask, no it's not actually for books, banning books is dumb. To do this, I'm selecting based on criteria already in the table and I'm inserting straight into the Bans table. The problem is, I want to include a manual string for the reason for the ban. I've included some sample data below and the SQL I'm using currently.
ID | Author | Title
1 | Mark Twain | Huckleberry Fin
2 | Stephen King | IT
3 | Mark Twain | Tom Sawyer
4 | Stephen King | Carrie
5 | William Shakespeare| Hamlet
6 | Stephen King | The Stand
7 | Ernest Hemingway | The Old Man and the Sea
8 | JK Rowling | Harry Potter
9 | Ernest Hemingway | For Whom the Bell Tolls
10 | William Shakespeare| Othello
11 | Ernest Hemingway | A Farewell to Arms
12 | William Shakespeare| Richard III
13 | JK Rowling | Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
ID | Reason
8 | Magic & Stuff
13 | Magic & Stuff
WHERE Author = "Stephen King"
This query will put all the IDs for Stephan Kings books into the bans table. But, I'd like to be able to assign a reason that they were banned.
ID | Reason
8 | Magic & Stuff
13 | Magic & Stuff
2 |
4 |
6 |
What I want to be able to do is have a query that will allow me to give a reason as well. So I end up with this instead
ID | Reason
8 | Magic & Stuff
13 | Magic & Stuff
2 | Too Scary For Kids
4 | Too Scary For Kids
6 | Too Scary For Kids
How can this be done?
SELECT ID, "Too Scary For Kids" FROM Books WHERE Author = "Stephen King"