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PhpSpec testing service layers correctly

The application has several services and some of the functionality overlaps multiple services. Since PhpSpec wraps objects I am only able to test one service at a time.


The group service can create groups like "Red cars", "Blue cars". The car service can assign cars to groups.

Group Service:

function createGroup($name);

Car Service:

function assignCarToGroup($car, $group);


When I'm describing the car service within PhpSpec I want to make sure that it can check if a car has been successfully assigned to a group.

To do that, the group needs to exist prior to assigning the car to it.


I need to create the group before I run the file. This is where I face the problem.

Would I rely on the previous examples (of the GroupServiceSpec) to create the groups, I would make the test very brittle.

How can I test if the car has been assigned successfully just within the car service?



namespace App;

class GroupService
    private $group_repository;

    public function __construct($group_repository)
        $this->group_repository = $group_repository;

    public function CreateGroupServiceCall($name)
        return $this->group_repository->createGroup($name);



namespace App;

class GroupRepository
    public function createGroup($name)
        file_put_contents($name . '.db', '');

        return true;



namespace App;

class CarService
    private $car_repository;

    public function __construct($car_repository)
        $this->car_repository = $car_repository;

    public function AssignCarToGroupServiceCall($car, $group_name)
        return $this->car_repository->assignCarToGroup($car, $group_name);



namespace app;

class CarRepository
    public function assignCarToGroup($car, $name)
        $file_path = $name . '.db';

        if (file_exists($file_path) == true) {
            file_put_contents($file_path, $car);

            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

And here are the tests:



namespace spec\App;

use App\GroupRepository;
use App\GroupService;
use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;
use Prophecy\Argument;

class GroupServiceSpec extends ObjectBehavior

    function let()
        $group_repository = new GroupRepository();

    function letGo()
        # Clean up and remove all DB files
        array_map('unlink', glob(__DIR__ . "/../../*.db"));

    function it_is_initializable()

    function it_can_create_a_group()
        $this->CreateGroupServiceCall('New Group')->shouldBe(true);




namespace spec\App;

use App\GroupRepository;
use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;
use Prophecy\Argument;

class GroupRepositorySpec extends ObjectBehavior

    function letGo()
        # Clean up and remove all DB files
        array_map('unlink', glob(__DIR__ . "/../../*.db"));

    function it_is_initializable()

    function it_can_create_group()
        $status = $this->createGroup('test');



namespace spec\App;

use App\CarRepository;
use App\CarService;
use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;
use Prophecy\Argument;

class CarServiceSpec extends ObjectBehavior

    function let()
        $car_repository = new CarRepository();

    function it_is_initializable()

    function it_can_assign_car_to_group()
        $car = 'Car I';
        $group_name = 'Group1';

        $this->AssignCarToGroupServiceCall($car, $group_name)->shouldBe(true);



namespace spec\App;

use app\CarRepository;
use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;
use Prophecy\Argument;

class CarRepositorySpec extends ObjectBehavior
    function it_is_initializable()

    function it_can_assign_car_to_group()
        # how can I test this part, as the group is not existing now.
        # If I'm not to create the group, how can I test if this code works at all?
        # Do I have a design error?

        $car = 'Car1';
        $group_name = 'Company';

        $this->assignCarToGroup($car, $group_name)->shouldBe(true);


  • Your car service spec should look like:

    class CarServiceSpec extends ObjectBehavior
      function let(CarRepository $carRepository)
      function it_is_initializable()
      function it_can_assign_car_to_group(CarRepository $carRepository)
        $car = 'Car I';
        $group_name = 'Group1';
        $carRepository->assignCarToGroup($car, $group_name)->shouldBeCalled()->willReturn(true);
        $this->AssignCarToGroupServiceCall($car, $group_name)->shouldReturn(true);