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How can I view what is happening in the lower parts of the EAX register in VS2008?

I am doing some assembly homework and thought the best way to get my head around what is going on is to watch what happens in the registers as the program runs. In Visual Studio You can view the registers but I am doing an operation that only changes things in the lower 8-bits of one of my registers so im not sure what I should be looking at. Can anyone help me out?

Here's the question and the code I'm running:

What will be the hexadecimal value of the destination operand after each of the following instructions execute in sequence?

TITLE MASM Template                     (main.asm)


.data var1 SBYTE -4, -2, 3, 1

.code main PROC

    call Clrscr

    mov  al, var1   mov ah, [var1+3]

    exit main ENDP

END main

Im pretty sure the answer is -4 after the first statement and 1 after the second statement but I want to see it in the registers.

and the register window i have to look as in VS: enter image description here


  • The ah and al registers are just aliases for the lower two bytes of eax, and so you can just monitor the eax entry in the register window. In your example, ah is 0x36 and al is 0x65. You might also need mov al, [var1] to get the value at that address, but I am not sure about that.