Does anyone know in what units are the measurements made in tkinter objects?
For example:
ws='400' #i am assuming these are in pixels
self.w1=tk.Label(self.parent,width=int(int(ws)*5/8) #The width here probably isn't in pixels
If the width in the widgets Label and Button were also measured in pixels, this should fit them nicely within the window, regardless of its width. But it doesn't. Instead, i experimented and found that dividing the width by 10 for one widget and 25 for the other does the trick. So in what units is either of these measured?
It depends on the widget, and also on how the widget is configured. For Label
and Button
widgets the width
and height
refer to a number of average sized characters (internally, I believe it uses the width and height of the character zero). If you add an image to the label or button, the width refers to a number of pixels.
You will usually get the best results by avoiding hard-coding pixel values. Tkinter is really good about computing the appropriate size for widgets, and then fitting them into the window.