I want to merge the data from 7 days of files and perform some operation on them using U-SQL. The folder structure on ADLS - /sample/data/YYYY/MM/DD.1.csv For e.g. Today is 03/01/2018 (DD/MM/YYYY) then I want to pick the data from 27/12/2017 to 02/01/2018.
In U-SQL how to achieve this?
you should use virtual columns in your file path.
For example:
DECLARE @path = "/sample/data/{FileDate:yyyy}/{FileDate:MM}/{FileDate:dd}.1.csv
DECLARE @startDate = new DateTime(2017,12,27);
DECLARE @endDate = new DateTime(2018,01,02);
@data = EXTRACT
column1 string,
column2 string,
FileDate DateTime
from @path
USING Extractors.Csv(); //or which extractor you are using
WHERE FileDate BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate)
TO "/sample/data/appended.csv
USING Outputters.Text(delimiter : ';', outputHeader : true); //output this in your csv file
This code should extract you all data in your date range. P.S. I am not sure just if i wrote good file name, check that. Hope this will help you. Here you can find documentation about virtual columns.