In Python 3, it is standard procedure to make a class an iterable and iterator at the same time by defining both the __iter__
and __next__
methods. But I have problems to wrap my head around this. Take this example which creates an iterator that produces only even numbers:
class EvenNumbers:
def __init__(self, max_):
self.max_ = max_
def __iter__(self):
self.n = 0
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.n <= self.max_: # edit: self.max --> self.max_
result = 2 * self.n
self.n += 1
return result
raise StopIteration
instance = EvenNumbers(4)
for entry in instance:
To my knowledge (correct me if I'm wrong), when I create the loop, an iterator is created by calling something like itr = iter(instance)
which internally calls the __iter__
method. This is expected to return an iterator object (which the instance is due to defining __next__
and therefore I can just return self). To get an element from it, next(itr)
is called until the exception is raised.
My question here is now: if and how can __iter__
and __next__
be separated, so that the content of the latter function is defined somewhere else? And when could this be useful? I know that I have to change __iter__
so that it returns an iterator.
Btw the idea to do this comes from this site (LINK), which does not state how to implement this.
It sounds like you're confusing iterators and iterables. Iterables have an __iter__
method which returns an iterator. Iterators have a __next__
method which returns either their next value or raise a StopIteration
. Now in python, it is stated that iterators are also iterables (but not visa versa) and that iter(iterator) is iterator
so an iterator, itr
, should return only itself from it's __iter__
Iterators are required to have an
method that returns the iterator object itself so every iterator is also iterable and may be used in most places where other iterables are accepted
In code:
class MyIter:
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
# actual iterator logic
If you want to make a custom iterator class, the easiest way is to inherit from
which you can see defines __iter__
as above (it is also a subclass of
). Then all you need is
class MyIter(
def __next__(self):
There is of course a much easier way to make an iterator, and thats with a generator function
def fib():
a = 1
b = 1
yield a
yield b
while True:
b, a = a + b, b
yield b
list(itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x < 100, fib()))
# --> [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89]
Just for reference, this is (simplified) code for an abstract iterator and iterable
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
class Iterable(ABC):
def __iter__(self):
'Returns an instance of Iterator'
class Iterator(Iterable, ABC):
def __next__(self):
'Return the next item from the iterator. When exhausted, raise StopIteration'
# overrides Iterable.__iter__
def __iter__(self):
return self