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Ineer Join query with where in scala slick

I have two tables address ,UserAddressMapping in Adress table Adrressid ,Address is there and in the third table i mapped this userid and Addresss id

In sql

Select a.Addressid,a.AddressNmae 
from address table a 
inner join UserAdrressmaping b on a.Adessressid=b.Adreesid 
where userid=1

How to write this thing in Scala slick This is far what i have done

   def innerJoin1(UserId:Int): Future[Seq[UserRegister]]  =  {
 val join=address.join(addressid).on(_.Userid === _.UserId) )


  • For inner join you could use slick applicative-join with filter clause. For example:

    val query = for {
      (address, userAddressMapping) <- Address join UserAddressMapping on ( === _.addressId)
      if userAddressMapping.userId === 1
    } yield (,