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How can I check mongodb query performance without cache

I have a query that takes too long to finish. I like to do some performance tests but after I check for one time (that takes currently ~30 seconds) the query start to run a lot faster (< 1 second). I assume it has to be with the mongodb caching. Is there a way to disable caching for mongodb or another way I can check the performance?

I'm using mongodb hosted in mongohq. Program with Ruby on Rails 3. Here is the explain:

{"cursor"=>"BtreeCursor start_-1", "nscanned"=>5276, "nscannedObjects"=>5276, "n"=>25, "millis"=>3264, "nYields"=>0, "nChunkSkips"=>0, "isMultiKey"=>false, "indexOnly"=>false, "indexBounds"=>{"start"=>[[{"$maxElement"=>1}, {"$minElement"=>1}]]}, "allPlans"=>[{"cursor"=>"BtreeCursor attendees_count_-1", "indexBounds"=>{"attendees_count"=>[[1.7976931348623157e+308, 1]]}}, {"cursor"=>"BtreeCursor images_count_-1", "indexBounds"=>{"images_count"=>[[1.7976931348623157e+308, 2]]}}, {"cursor"=>"BtreeCursor start_-1", "indexBounds"=>{"start"=>[[{"$maxElement"=>1}, {"$minElement"=>1}]]}}, {"cursor"=>"BtreeCursor start_-1_end_-1", "indexBounds"=>{"start"=>[[{"$maxElement"=>1}, {"$minElement"=>1}]], "end"=>[[{"$maxElement"=>1}, {"$minElement"=>1}]]}}, {"cursor"=>"BtreeCursor attendees._id_1 multi", "indexBounds"=>{"attendees._id"=>[[BSON::ObjectId('4f0b621e94bb688563000007'),BSON::ObjectId('4f0b621e94bb688563000007')], [BSON::ObjectId('4f0b647d5a8c00acde05236f'), BSON::ObjectId('4f0b647d5a8c00acde05236f')], [BSON::ObjectId('4f0b647d5a8c00acde052370'), BSON::ObjectId('4f0b647d5a8c00acde052370')], [BSON::ObjectId('4f0b647d5a8c00acde052371'), BSON::ObjectId('4f0b647d5a8c00acde052371')], [BSON::ObjectId('4f0b647d5a8c00acde052372'), BSON::ObjectId('4f0b647d5a8c00acde052372')], [BSON::ObjectId('4f0b647d5a8c00acde052373') ... (lots of Object IDs)]]}}}

Notice that I had to truncate some of the explain because it was too long. Where there is "lots of Object IDs" there were lots of Object IDs (~400).

Thanks all


  • I guess you can not stop Mongo from preparing the query plan (that's how mongo works). So, Before query stats.. 1. Clear the plan cache of all collections by

    1. Record the slow queries with Profiler (see mongo docs),
    2. work on query to optimize it,
    3. clear the cache again, and check the query performance again.