Search code examples

How to retrieve checked values

With this given HTML code I was able to add a simple javascript function to verify that at least one checkbox is checked.

Now it turns out that I only receive the value of the first checked checkbox, even when all three are checked.


<label class="foo">
       <input type="checkbox" name="bar[]" value="W01">
       <span class="label-body">Apple</span>
<label class="foo">
       <input type="checkbox" name="bar[]" value="W02">
       <span class="label-body">Banana</span>
<label class="foo">
       <input type="checkbox" name="bar[]" value="W03">
       <span class="label-body">Melon</span>


func (this *SendController) Post() {

    // ...

How can I get the list of all selected checkboxes, ie. W01 & W03?

Bonus question: What is the difference between this.GetString("foo") and this.Input().Get("foo") ?


  • You can get array parameters like this

    bars := this.GetStrings("bar")

    beego params