I've always used this command line to create an mp3 with Bit rate: 32kBit / s and Sample rate: 22050 Hz:
"lame -b 32 --resample 22050 input.wav output.mp3"
Now I wanted to use SoxSharp for that, and it has an mp3 option and uses libmp3lame.dll, so I guess it should work.
However, I'm unable to figure the right parameters.
The available parameters for the mp3 output are listed below.
Using nSox As Sox = New Sox("d:\dev\projects\sox-14-4-0\sox.exe")
nSox.Output.Type = FileType.MP3
nSox.Output.SampleRate = I guess that would be 22050 in my case?
nSox.Output.Channels = 1 'yep, I want mono
nSox.Output.Encoding = // not sure what to make of it
nSox.Output.SampleSize = // not sure what to make of it
nSox.Output.ByteOrder = // I guess I shouldn't touch that
nSox.Output.ReverseBits = // I guess I shouldn't touch that
nSox.Output.Compression = // absolutely not sure what I should choose here
nSox.Process("input.wav", "output.mp3")
End Using
Does anybody see where I should insert my "32"? And is .SampleRate = 22050 correct in my case?? The Windows file property dialogue doesn't give me any real hints if I do it correctly, and Audacity converts the audio to the format of my project.
Thank you very much for the help!
Investigating on the source code of SoxSharp, it can't even handle the most basic lame commands out of the box. Basically everything has to be put in the "CustomArguments" property.