While I was making my iOS app, I used test AdMob AppID and AdUnitID.
Test ads showed up every time.
Today I made an AdMob account and got the production AppID and AdUnitID.
I copied them and replaced the test ones in my app.
I archived the app so to use the Release settings in XCode.
Then I uploaded it to AppStore.
However, when I download the app from TestFlight no ads are shown.
What am I missing?
P.S. - GoogleAds framework is up to date - AdMob account is filled with the required info.
GADMobileAds.configure(withApplicationID: <AdMob AppID>)
bannerAd.adUnitID = <AdMob adUnitID>
bannerAd.rootViewController = self
When apps are newly registered with AdMob, it takes some time and a few ad requests to allow inventory to build. Because of this, you may not see live impressions immediately.
Once your app is making more requests, you should see more consistent results. Please note that test ads operate through the same channels as live ads. Being able to return a test ad ensures that your application is communicating properly with our network.
I would say wait 24-48 hours to start seeing live ads, depending on your region.