I have a rake take I run like this
be rake fix_pf_administrator_pct_assets
The rake task is part of a larger rails app.
There's a loop in the code, and a sleep 1, so I get a very "real time" output of the script.
However, if I do this
be rake fix_pf_administrator_pct_assets | grep mydebugprint
I have to wait till the whole script finishes before seeing the results.
How can I have real-time output of the script, while being able to grep for interesting lines.
If you're on a systetm with GNU coreutils, you can force the output of the rake task to be line buffered: (assumes "be" is not a shell alias but a command)
stdbuf --output=L be rake fix_pf_administrator_pct_assets | grep mydebugprint