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Not able to setup up a quick test for braintree example

We tried to setup a monthly subscription plan, using braintree.

We look at

I download the following code snippet, and save it as a local HTML file in my machine. (I know I need to use a backend server, to generate token and the below HTML code snippet for client browser. I just want to do a quick test without setuping the server first.)

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <script src=""></script>
  <div id="dropin-container"></div>
  <button id="submit-button">Request payment method</button>
    var button = document.querySelector('#submit-button');

      authorization: 'CLIENT_TOKEN_FROM_SERVER',
      container: '#dropin-container'
    }, function (createErr, instance) {
      button.addEventListener('click', function () {
        instance.requestPaymentMethod(function (err, payload) {
          // Submit payload.nonce to your server

We click on the button. instance.requestPaymentMethod is being executed.

I expect client browser will start to communicate with braintree server, as issulrated as step 3. But it doesn't.

enter image description here

May I know is there any step I had missed out?


  • You need to setup proper backend server, in order to get front end code work. As, without a correct client_token (Generated from backend server), front end code will not work.

    Front end code will not give any sort of warning regarding incorrect client_token.

    Note, you will have a difficult time to setup backend server, as Braintree documentation is poorly written

    After spending 2 days straight, I post my code snippet, regarding monthly recurring billing.

    from django.views.generic import TemplateView
    import braintree
    import json
    from django.shortcuts import redirect
    from pprint import pprint
    gateway = braintree.BraintreeGateway(
    class PaymentMethodView(TemplateView):
        template_name = 'payment_method.html'
        def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):        
            # Call the base implementation first to get a context
            context = super(PaymentMethodView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
            subscribe = self.request.GET.get('subscribe')
            client_token = gateway.client_token.generate()     
            context['client_token_from_server'] = client_token
            return context
    class SubscribeView(TemplateView):
        template_name = 'subscribe.html'
        def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
            # Call the base implementation first to get a context
            context = super(SubscribeView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
            payload_nonce = self.request.GET.get('payload_nonce')
            user = self.request.user
            result = gateway.customer.create({
                "id": str(,
                "payment_method_nonce": payload_nonce
            if result.is_success:
                customer_id =
                payment_method_token = result.customer.payment_methods[0].token
                result = gateway.subscription.create({
                    "payment_method_token": payment_method_token,
                    "plan_id": "individual",
                result = gateway.payment_method.create({
                    "customer_id": str(,
                    "payment_method_nonce": payload_nonce
                payment_method_token = result.payment_method.token
                result = gateway.subscription.create({
                    "payment_method_token": payment_method_token,
                    "plan_id": "individual",
            context['is_success'] = result.is_success
            if result.is_success:
                for error in result.errors.deep_errors:
            return context


      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <script src=""></script>
      <div id="dropin-container"></div>
      <button id="submit-button">Request payment method</button>
        var button = document.querySelector('#submit-button');
          authorization: '{{ client_token_from_server }}',
          container: '#dropin-container'
        }, function (createErr, instance) {
          button.addEventListener('click', function () {
            instance.requestPaymentMethod(function (err, payload) {
              // Submit payload.nonce to your server
              url = '{% url 'subscribe' %}' + '?payload_nonce=' + payload.nonce;

    Side note

    1. Different API calls, will yield different Result object but with different attributes. How do I know I need to call payment_method_token = result.payment_method.token to retrieve payment_method_token. No way you can tell by reading documentation. You need to perform debug on the result object, by using pprint(vars(result)). I will be very happy, if someone from Braintree can let me know, how can I lookup for such information, by reading documentation.

    2. The naming is poor and confusing. For instance, Merchant Account and Merchant Account Id are 2 different things.