In A* usually the result that you get is only one path. Is it possible though for a given origin and destination to have 3 recommended path according to A*? So the second returned is the second best path, and the third is the third best path..
I was thinking of maybe modifying the heuristic somehow to reflect this second and third best path.. What do you guys think?
UPDATE: My implementation is in PHP and I am using a closed set. So if there's a way to do this, let me know.
This can be done quite easily if your language has support for backtracking/generators/iterators/coroutines.
# Python code
def astar(start):
q = [start] # priority queue
while len(q) > 0:
node = heappop(q)
if isGoal(node):
yield node
for x in successors(node):
heappush(q, x)
The yield
keyword is similar to return
, except that the function may be re-entered after a yield
to get the next solution. To get the best three:
solutions = []
i = 0
for sol in astar(start):
if i == 3:
i += 1
However, this will not work if you use a closed set (i.e., Russell & Norvig's graph search algorithm), since then part of the non-optimal solutions may be "cut off" when searching for the optimal one.