I am writing below function to return value based on data objet that I passed to this method.
If we get data null I am trying to return "-" otherwise If I get any valid response I am returning value..
private func checkDataForValue(data: Optional<AnyObject>) -> String {
if let value = data {
let value1: AnyObject = //have to check <Null>
if value === value1 {
return "-"
return "\(value)"
} else {
return "-"
My question How to compare null value here ..
Most likely you are looking to compare value
with NSNull
You can update your code as follows:
private func checkDataForValue(data: Any?) -> String {
if let value = data {
if value is NSNull != nil {
return "-"
} else if (value as? String)?.lowercased() == "<null>" {
return "-"
} else {
return "\(value)"
} else {
return "-"