As a minimally-viable example, I modularized the basic example from here:
in RStudio should do the trick):---
title: "stackoverflow example"
output: flexdashboard::flex_dashboard
runtime: shiny
```{r global, include=FALSE}
library(flexdashboard) # install.packages("flexdashboard")
# load data in 'global' chunk so it can be shared by all users of the dashboard
# UI modules
sidebarCharts <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
actionButton(ns("settings"), "Settings", icon = icon("cogs"), width = '100%', class = "btn btn-info"),p(),
actionButton(ns("refreshMainChart") ,"Refresh", icon("refresh"), width = '100%', class = "btn btn-primary"),p()
,textOutput(ns("info")) # FOR DEBUGGING
mainChartUI <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
plotOutput(ns("mainChart"), width = "100%")
# UI module for the 2 buttons in the modal:
modalFooterUI <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
modalButton("Cancel", icon("remove")),
actionButton(ns("modalApply"), "Apply", icon = icon("check"))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# Init reactiveValues() to store values & debug info;
rv <- reactiveValues(clicks = 0, applyClicks = 0,
bins = 20,
bandwidth = 1)
output$info <- renderText({
paste("You clicked the 'Settings' button", rv$clicks, "times. You clicked the 'Apply' button", rv$applyClicks, "times. The bin size is currently set to", rv$bins, "and the bandwidth is currently set to", rv$bandwidth)
settngsModal <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
withTags({ # UI elements for the modal go in here
column(4, "Inputs",
selectInput(ns("n_breaks"), label = "Number of bins:", choices = c(10, 20, 35, 50), selected = rv$bins, width = '100%')),
column(4, "Go",
sliderInput(ns("bw_adjust"), label = "Bandwidth adjustment:", min = 0.2, max = 2, value = rv$bandwidth, step = 0.2, width = '100%')),
column(4, "Here")
title = "Settings",
footer = modalFooterUI("inputs"),
size = "l",
easyClose = FALSE,
fade = TRUE)
# Sidebar 'Settings' modal
observeEvent(input$settings, {
showModal(settngsModal("inputs")) # This opens the modal; settngsModal() defined below
rv$clicks <- rv$clicks + 1 # FOR DEBUGGING
observeEvent(input$modalApply, {
rv$applyClicks <- rv$applyClicks + 1 # FOR DEBUGGING
rv$bins <- input$n_breaks # This is where I set the reactiveValues() to those inputted into the modal.
rv$bandwith <- input$bw_adjust
removeModal() # This should dismiss the modal (but it doesn't seem to work)
output$mainChart <- renderPlot({
input$refreshMainChart # Take dependency on the 'Refresh' buton
hist(faithful$eruptions, probability = TRUE, breaks = as.numeric(rv$bins),
xlab = "Duration (minutes)", main = "Geyser Eruption Duration")
dens <- density(faithful$eruptions, adjust = rv$bandwidth)
lines(dens, col = "blue")
Column {.sidebar}
callModule(server, "main")
### Main chart goes here
which is a reactiveValues()
-- this appears to work.rv
object to the one(s) selected -- THIS DOES NOT WORK (neither modal is dismissing, nor are reactiveValues
being updated).reactiveValues()
inside rv
are updated with the new ones, the chart should NOT re-render until user hits the 'Refresh' actionButton
-- this also does not work, but is contingent on (3) above.What am I doing wrong?? It feels like I'm overlooking something super simple.
The problem comes from the fact that your modal and your server function have different namespace
id's and so can't talk to each other in a normal way.
When you call your server
function with callModule
, you give your module the namespace id of "main"
. When you generated your Modal, you gave it the namespace id of "inputs"
. So when you try to access the actionButton
in your server with observeEvent(input$modalApply...
, it doesn't work because it's looking for modalApply
in the inputs$
of its own namespace ("main"
), which doesn't exist.
What you need to do is keep the modal in the same namespace as the server function that's calling it. You can do that by passing the ns
function directly into the modal UI function from the session.
Instead of passing in an id
and then re-generating ns with ns <- NS(id)
, you can get the current sessions ns
function directly with session$ns
and then pass it into the UI functions for it to use:
observeEvent(input$settings, {
settngsModal <- function(ns) {
footer = modalFooterUI(ns),
By passing session$ns
in this way, you can ensure that the UI elements for the modal will always be in the same namespace as (and thus accessible to) the server function that calls it. You can read more about this here:
As for your second question, it's just a simple matter of wrapping the rest of the code in your renderPlot
in an isolate
function. The isolate
function makes it so that changes in reactive
values inside the isolate
don't invalidate the expression and cause it to re-evaluate. Now, the only reactive
value that can cause the renderPlot
to re-evaluate is the one outside the isolate
: input$refreshMainChart
output$mainChart <- renderPlot({
input$refreshMainChart # Take dependency on the 'Refresh' buton
hist(faithful$eruptions, probability = TRUE, breaks = as.numeric(rv$bins),
xlab = "Duration (minutes)", main = "Geyser Eruption Duration")
dens <- density(faithful$eruptions, adjust = rv$bandwidth)
lines(dens, col = "blue")