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Cache solution to manage external api calls using play framework

I have some external paid api that I use to retrieve data based on some id, and some of the calls I will perform will probably have the same id, so im looking for the best practice in play to manage this kind of scenario with cache. also I want to be able to delete the cache after 24 hrs.

any recommendations ?



  • Play documentation gives (imo) clear indications about what to do :

    The gist of it is :

    • Inject a cache instance where needed :
    • Use your instance to cache stuff :

    So basiscally :

    import play.api.cache._
    import play.api.mvc._
    import javax.inject.Inject
    class Application @Inject() (cache: AsyncCacheApi, cc:ControllerComponents) extends AbstractController(cc) {
    val result: Future[Done] = cache.set("item.key", connectedUser, 24.hours)
    val futureMaybeUser: Future[Option[User]] = cache.get[User]("item.key")