I want to detect a product within an image using cloud vision. If the product is too small relative to the image, then the algorithm does not detect it. For example, if I used an image of a product, it correctly labels it as a product but when I use a image of a person holding that product, it details plenty of (good) info about the person holding the object but fails to identify the object. Is there a way to force it?
You can use this image to test it using the Cloud Vision Web UI: https://img.bleacherreport.net/img/images/photos/003/758/947/hi-res-bc77cb085652783632d48c378e0a0ffb_crop_north.jpg?h=533&w=800&q=70&crop_x=center&crop_y=top
If I scan the entire image, it provides one label 'product' among other things. But if I crop just the coco cola in the image and scan that cropped image, it provides lot more details. E.g Coco Cola, soft drink etc. How can I get the details of the product if it only occupies a small portion within an larger image?
You can use Object Localization, which as stated can detect less prominent objects. I ran it on the image you provided, which returned 'bottle' for the cola - it also returns the boundingPoly vertices for the objects, which as you've noted you can use to crop the image and get a better detection