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PHP Cut String On Character Limit

I'm creating a Blog that uses a Faker Factory to generate Demo Data. I have a Post Model which is generated that has a body field which contains randomly generated HTML as well as a text field which is created by stripping the tags from the body and limiting the data received to 512 characters. str_limit works fine it is just that I need to cut the text off on a word while keeping it in the 512 limit.

This is my factory:


use Faker\Generator as Faker;

$factory->define(Provar\Forum\Post::class, function (Faker $faker) {

   $randomHTML = Purifier::clean($faker->randomHtml(2,3));

   $trimedHTML = strip_tags($randomHTML);

   return [
      'body' => $randomHTML,
      'text' => str_limit($trimedHTML, 509, '...')


Any help is appreciated. <3


  • You could try with something like this, but this might cut the last word

    substr($trimedHTML, 0, 512) . '...'

    If you don't want the last word cut, you might do something like this, but will not give you exactly 512 characters always, cause next word might be to big...

    if (preg_match('/^.{1,512}\b/s', $trimedHTML, $match))
        $text=$match[0] . ( strlen($match[0]) < strlen($trimedHTML) ? "..." : "" );

    And use the $text, variable instead of str_limit($trimedHTML, 509, '...')

    This code is literally the same as the one in this answer: Making sure PHP substr finishes on a word not a character Though this might be considered "another question" so...