This is the gist of the problem:
check_if_proceed configFolders = do
let emacsdf = "/home/jacek/.emacs.d"
traceM ("calling check_if_proceed " ++ show ("ccc",configFolders))
exists <- doesDirectoryExist emacsdf
symlink <- pathIsSymbolicLink emacsdf
let confemp = configFolders == []
let result = False
if exists
then do
if symlink
then do
putStrLn ("This action will overwrite the existing symlink\n"++
"poinitng to " ++ "SOMEWHERE-FINISH ME\n\n" )
else do
putStrLn (emacsdf ++ " is not a symlink\n"++
"to use this utility, in your terminal do soemthing like:\n"++
"$ mv " ++ emacsdf ++ " " ++ emacsdf ++ "-alternative-config\n" ++
"exiting..." )
else do
putStrLn ("no " ++ emacsdf ++ "found in your home folder")
if confemp
then do
putStrLn ("nor folders with the alternative emacs config\n" ++
"exiting..." )
do {
putStrLn "will try to symlink one of the found folders"
bonus points for the indication how to add the return statements to that.
This link shows a somewhat working code that allows me to explore problem space using imperative style.
You are missing one semicolon, on line 31, between the putStrLn
and an if
else do
putStrLn ("no " ++ emacsdf ++ "found in your home folder")
; -- HERE
if confemp
then do
putStrLn ("nor folders with the alternative emacs config\n" ++
"exiting..." )
The template to follow is
do { ... ; ... ; ... }
Explicit braces and semicolons will prevent any parsing errors due to mis-indentation (possibly due to tabs/spaces issues) in your code.
The fully explicit notation always uses ;
between each of the do
block statements. if ... then ... else ...
makes up for one expression / do
statement, even if spread across several lines of code.