I am running a cpu intensive script on 8 different goroutines. Each of these goroutines will take at least a few minutes to complete, and I was wondering if something like this is possible:
for i := 0; i < len(input); i += 1 {
go calc_math_and_things(input[i])
You could use a buffered channel to return result of a goroutine and indicate termination, and when you read from this channel you start a new go routine. Something like that:
const maxNRoutine = 8
var routineCtr int
var resultCh = make(chan int, maxNRoutine)
for i := 0; i < len(input); i += 1 {
if routineCtr < maxNRoutines {
go calc_math_and_things(resultCh, input[i])
var result = <- resultCh // go routine is done, log result and start a new one
go calc_math_and_things(resultCh, intput[i])
Inside your routine:
func calc_math_and_things(resultCh chan<- int, input byte) {
// ... do some stuff
resultCh <- 1