I am developing a wordpress plugin which generates a team page. So i need to add a template page team.php. Can the process be automated independent of the theme, or the user have to be urged for copying the file manually to the templates directory.
You shouldn't need to copy the page like that. Ask the user to create a normal page with only a shortcode in it which you can replace with you content.
That's the standard way to do these things. This page will tell you how to do it : http://codex.wordpress.org/Shortcode_API
Example :
//In your functions.php file
function create_team_page($atts, $content = null){
//$team_data = generate data here
return $team_data;
add_shortcode('team_page', 'create_team_page');
The user would simply create a new page with wordpress and put the shortcode [team_data]
in the contents. Your hook would replace it with content.