I'm trying out Go's new modules system and am having trouble accessing local packages. The following project is in a folder on my desktop outside my gopath.
My project structure looks like:
- /platform
- platform.go
- main.go
- go.mod
// platform.go
package platform
import "fmt"
func Print() {
// main.go
package main
import "platform"
func main() {
go build main.go
tells me
cannot find module for path platform
I would strongly suggest you to use go toolchain which takes care of these issues out of the box. Visual Studio Code with vscode-go plugin is really useful.
Problem here is that Go requires relative paths with respect to your $GOPATH/src
or module
in import statement. Depending on where you are in your GOPATH
, import path should include that as well. In this case, import statement must include go module path in go.mod
Assume your project resides here:
Your import path should be:
import "github.com/myuser/myproject/platform"
Assume your go.mod file is:
module example.com/myuser/myproject
Your import path should be:
import "example.com/myuser/myproject/platform"