I had a trouble finding the amount based from quantity * price. The problem is because each row has sub rows How will i able to get the amount from the quantity and the price? Here's my code below.
Here is also the link to my demo code PLEASE CLICK THIS
getAmount(value: FormControl) {
const control = <FormArray>this.myForm.controls['people'];
this.total = 0;
control.controls.forEach((field) => {
field.get('addresses')['controls'].forEach(element => {
const col1 = +field.get('price')
const col2 = +element.get('quantity');
const sum = col1 * col2;
// Get Amount
element.get('amount').patchValue(sum, { emitEvent: false });
// Get Grand Total
this.total += sum;
The problem here is that you're trying to cast FormControl to number while you need to get value from control and then cast to number:
So instead of:
const col1 = +field.get('price')
const col2 = +element.get('quantity');
you should be doing something like:
const col1 = +(field.get('price').value || 0);
const col2 = +(element.get('quantity').value || 0);