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Why the stem of word "got " is still "got" instead of "get"?

from stemming.porter2 import stem

documents = ['got',"get"]

documents = [[stem(word) for word in sentence.split(" ")] for sentence in documents]

The result is :

[['got'], ['get']]

Can someone help to explain this ? Thank you !


  • What you want is a lemmatizer instead of a stemmer. The difference is subtle.

    Generally, a stemmer drops suffixes as much as possible and in some cases handles an exception list of words for words that cannot find a normalized form by simply dropping suffixes.

    A lemmatizer tries to find the "basic"/root/infinitive form of a word and usually, it requires specialized rules for different languages.


    Lemmatization using the NLTK implementation of the morphy lemmatizer requires the correct part-of-speech (POS) tag to be fairly accurate.

    Avoid (or in fact never) try to lemmatize individual word in isolation. Try lemmatizing a fully POS tagged sentence, e.g.

    from nltk import word_tokenize, pos_tag
    from nltk import wordnet as wn
    def penn2morphy(penntag, returnNone=False, default_to_noun=False):
        morphy_tag = {'NN':wn.NOUN, 'JJ':wn.ADJ,
                      'VB':wn.VERB, 'RB':wn.ADV}
            return morphy_tag[penntag[:2]]
            if returnNone:
                return None
            elif default_to_noun:
                return 'n'
                return ''

    With the penn2morphy helper function, you need to convert the POS tag from pos_tag() to the morphy tags and you can then:

    >>> from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
    >>> wnl = WordNetLemmatizer()
    >>> sent = "He got up in bed at 8am."
    >>> [(token, penn2morphy(tag)) for token, tag in pos_tag(word_tokenize(sent))]
    [('He', ''), ('got', 'v'), ('up', ''), ('in', ''), ('bed', 'n'), ('at', ''), ('8am', ''), ('.', '')]
    >>> [wnl.lemmatize(token, pos=penn2morphy(tag, default_to_noun=True)) for token, tag in pos_tag(word_tokenize(sent))]
    ['He', 'get', 'up', 'in', 'bed', 'at', '8am', '.']

    For convenience you can also try the pywsd lemmatizer.

    >>> from pywsd.utils import lemmatize_sentence
    Warming up PyWSD (takes ~10 secs)... took 7.196984529495239 secs.
    >>> sent = "He got up in bed at 8am."
    >>> lemmatize_sentence(sent)
    ['he', 'get', 'up', 'in', 'bed', 'at', '8am', '.']

    See also