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scipy.optimize.minimize is too slow. How can I speed up

I am converting an IDL code (written by Oleg Kochukhov) to Python. The code generates star surface map over spectral line profiles using Tikhonov or Maximum Entropy methods.

I use scipy.optimize.minimize to generate map over line profiles. But process is too slow and results is not compatible. I search solution on internet but i dont find any usefull solution.

I added a runnable code below:

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec

#syc = 0

def DI_GridInit(ntot):
    # generate stellar surface grid

    nlat = int(round(0.5 * (1.0 + np.sqrt(1.0 + np.pi * ntot))) - 1)
    nlon = np.zeros(nlat, dtype=int)
    xlat = np.pi * (np.arange(nlat, dtype=float) + 0.5) / nlat - np.pi / 2.0
    xcirc = 2.0 * np.cos(xlat[1:])
    nlon[1:] = np.around(xcirc * nlat) + 1
    nlon[0] = ntot - sum(nlon[1:])

    if abs(nlon[0] - nlon[nlat - 1]) > nlat:
        nlon[1:] = nlon[1:] + (nlon[0] - nlon[nlat - 1]) / nlat
    nlon[0] = ntot - sum(nlon[1:])

    if nlon[0] < nlon[nlat - 1]:
        nlon[1:] = nlon[1:] - 1
    nlon[0] = ntot - sum(nlon[1:])

    # generate Descartes coordinates for the surface grid in
    # stellar coordinates, areas of surface elements and
    # regularization indices: (lower, upper, right, left)

    x0, j = np.zeros((ntot, 3), dtype=float), 0
    latitude, longitude = np.zeros(ntot, dtype=float), np.zeros(ntot, dtype=float)
    sa, ireg = np.zeros(ntot, dtype=float), np.zeros((ntot, 4), dtype=int)
    slt = np.hstack((0., (xlat[1:nlat] + xlat[0:nlat - 1]) / 2. + np.pi / 2., np.pi))

    for i in range(nlat):
        coslat = np.cos(xlat[i])
        sinlat = np.sin(xlat[i])
        xlon = 2 * np.pi * (np.arange(nlon[i]) + 0.5) / nlon[i]
        sinlon = np.sin(xlon)
        coslon = np.cos(xlon)
        x0[:, 0][j:j + nlon[i]] = coslat * sinlon
        x0[:, 1][j:j + nlon[i]] = -coslat * coslon
        x0[:, 2][j:j + nlon[i]] = sinlat
        latitude[j:j + nlon[i]] = xlat[i]
        longitude[j:j + nlon[i]] = xlon
        sa[j:j + nlon[i]] = 2. * np.pi * (np.cos(slt[i]) - np.cos(slt[i + 1])) / nlon[i]
        ireg[:, 2][j:j + nlon[i]] = np.roll(j + np.arange(nlon[i], dtype=int), -1)
        ireg[:, 3][j:j + nlon[i]] = np.roll(j + np.arange(nlon[i], dtype=int), 1)

        if (i > 0):
            il_lo = j - nlon[i - 1] + np.arange(nlon[i - 1], dtype=int)
            il_lo = j + nlon[i] + np.arange(nlon[i + 1], dtype=int)

        if (i < nlat - 1):
            il_up = j + nlon[i] + np.arange(nlon[i + 1], dtype=int)
            il_up = il_lo

        for k in range(j, j + nlon[i]):
            dlat_lo = longitude[k] - longitude[il_lo]
            ll = np.argmin(abs(dlat_lo))
            ireg[k][0] = il_lo[ll]
            dlat_up = longitude[k] - longitude[il_up]
            ll = np.argmin(abs(dlat_up))
            ireg[k][1] = il_up[ll]

        j += nlon[i]

    theta = np.arccos(x0[:, 2])
    phi = np.arctan2(x0[:, 0], -x0[:, 1])
    ii = np.argwhere(phi < 0).T[0]
    nii = len(ii)
    phi[ii] = 2.0 * np.pi - abs(phi[ii]) if nii else None

    grid = {'ntot': ntot, 'nlat': nlat, 'nlon': nlon, 'xyz': x0, 'lat': latitude,
            'lon': longitude, 'area': sa, 'ireg': ireg, 'phi': phi, 'theta': theta}

    return grid

def DI_Map(grid, spots):
    map = np.ones(grid['ntot'], dtype=float)

    for i in range(spots['n']):
        dlon = grid['lon'] - np.deg2rad(spots['tbl'][i, 0])
        dlat = grid['lat'] - np.deg2rad(spots['tbl'][i, 1])
        da = (2.0 * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(np.sin(0.5 * dlat) ** 2 +
                                      np.cos(np.deg2rad(spots['tbl'][i, 1])) *
                                      np.cos(grid['lat']) * np.sin(0.5 * dlon) ** 2)))
        ii = np.argwhere(da <= np.deg2rad(spots['tbl'][i, 2])).T[0]
        ni = len(ii)

        map[ii] = spots['tbl'][i, 3] if ni > 0 else None

    return map

def DI_Prf(grid, star, map, phase=None, vv=None, vr=None, nonoise=None):

    # velocity array
    if vv is not None:
        nv = len(vv)
        nv = int(np.ceil(2.0 * star['vrange'] / star['vstep']))
        vv = -star['vrange'] + np.arange(nv, dtype=float) * star['vstep']

    # phase array
    if phase is None:
        phase = np.arange(star['nphases'], dtype=float) / star['nphases']

    # velocity correction for each phase
    vr = np.zeros(star['nphases'], dtype=float) if vr == None else None

    # fixed trigonometric quantities
    cosi = np.cos(np.deg2rad(star['incl'])); sini = np.sin(np.deg2rad(star['incl']))
    coslat = np.cos(grid['lat']); sinlat = np.sin(grid['lat'])

    # FWHM to Gaussian sigma
    sigm = star['fwhm'] / np.sqrt(8.0 * np.log(2.0))
    isig = (-0.5 / sigm ** 2)

    # initialize line profile and integrated field arrays
    prf = np.zeros((nv, len(phase)), dtype=float)

    # gradient if called with 5 - variable input
    grad = np.zeros((nv, len(phase), grid['ntot']), dtype=float)

    # phase loop
    for i in range(len(phase)):
        coslon = np.cos(grid['lon'] + 2.0 * np.pi * phase[i])
        sinlon = np.sin(grid['lon'] + 2.0 * np.pi * phase[i])
        mu = sinlat * cosi + coslat * sini * coslon
        ivis = np.argwhere(mu > 0.).T[0]
        dv = -sinlon[ivis] * coslat[ivis] * star['vsini']
        avis = grid['area'][ivis] * mu[ivis] * (1.0 - star['limbd'] + star['limbd'] * mu[ivis])

        if star['type'] == 0:
            wgt = avis * map[ivis]
            wgtn = sum(wgt)

            for j in range(nv):
                plc = 1.0 - star['d'] * np.exp(isig * (vv[j] + dv - vr[i]) ** 2)
                prf[j][i] = sum(wgt * plc) / wgtn
                grad[j][i][ivis] = avis * plc / wgtn - avis * prf[j][i] / wgtn

        elif star['type'] == 1:
            wgt = avis
            wgtn = sum(wgt)

            for j in range(nv):
                plc = 1.0 - map[ivis] * star['d'] * np.exp(isig * (vv[j] + dv - vr[i]) ** 2)
                prf[j][i] = sum(wgt * plc) / wgtn
                grad[j][i][ivis] = -wgt / wgtn * star['d'] * np.exp(isig * (vv[j] + dv - vr[i]) ** 2)

    # output structure
    syn = {'v': vv, 'phase': phase, 'prf': prf}

    # add noise
    if star['snr'] != -1 and nonoise != None:
        obs = syn['prf'] * 0.0

        for i in range(star['nphases']):
            obs[:, i] = syn['prf'][:, i] + np.random.standard_normal((len(syn['v']),)) / star['snr']

        syn['obs'] = obs

    return syn, grad

def DI_func(cmap, functargs):
    # global syc

    star = functargs['star']
    grid = functargs['grid']
    obs = functargs['obs']
    invp = functargs['invp']

    nv = len(obs['v'])
    er = 1.0 / abs(star['snr'])

    if 'vr' in obs.keys():
        syn, grad = DI_Prf(grid, star, cmap, phase=obs['phase'], vv=obs['v'], vr=obs['vr'])
        syn, grad = DI_Prf(grid, star, cmap, phase=obs['phase'], vv=obs['v'])

    # shf = 0
    # for i in range(len(obs['phase'])):
    #     plt.plot(obs['v'], obs['obs'][:, i] + shf, 'bo')
    #     plt.plot(obs['v'], syn['prf'][:, i] + shf, 'r')
    #     plt.plot(obs['v'], obs['obs'][:, i] - syn['prf'][:, i] + shf, 'k')
    #     shf += 0.1

    fchi = 0.0
    sign = (-1) ** invp['regtype']
    for i in range(star['nphases']):
        fchi = fchi + sign * sum((syn['prf'][:, i] - obs['obs'][:, i]) ** 2 / er ** 2) / nv

    freg = 0
    if invp['lambda'] > 0:
        if invp['regtype'] == 0:
            ir = grid['ireg']
            for k in range(len(ir[0, :])):
                freg = freg + invp['lambda'] / grid['ntot'] * sum((cmap - cmap[ir[:, k]]) ** 2)

        elif invp['regtype'] == 1:
            mmap = sum(cmap) / grid['ntot']
            nmap = cmap / mmap
            freg = freg - invp['lambda'] / grid['ntot'] * sum(nmap * np.log(nmap))

    ftot = fchi + freg

    syn['obs'] = obs['obs']

    # syc += 1
    # if syc % 1000 == 0:
    #     plotting(grid, cmap, syn, star['incl'], typ=star['type'])
    # print(syc, ftot, sum(cmap))

    return ftot

def plotting(grid, map, syn, incl, typ):
    nlon = grid['nlon']

    nln = max(nlon)
    nlt = len(nlon)
    ll = np.zeros(nlt + 1, dtype=int)
    ll[0] = 0

    for i in range(nlt):
        ll[i + 1] = ll[i] + nlon[i]

    map1 = np.zeros((nlt, nln), dtype=float)
    x = np.arange(nln, dtype=float) + 0.5

    for i in range(nlt):
        lll = ((np.arange(nlon[i] + 2, dtype=float) - 0.5) * nln) / nlon[i]
        y = np.hstack((map[ll[i + 1] - 1], map[ll[i]:ll[i+1]-1], map[ll[i]]))

        for j in range(nln):
            imin = np.argmin(abs(x[j] - lll))
            map1[i, j] = y[imin]

    light = (190 * (map1 - np.min(map1)) / (np.max(map1) - np.min(map1))) + 50

    light_rect = np.flipud(light)

    if typ == 0:
        cmap = 'gray'
        cmap = 'gray_r'

    fig = plt.figure()
    spec = gridspec.GridSpec(ncols=3, nrows=3, left=0.10, right=0.98,
                             top=0.97, bottom=0.07, hspace=0.2, wspace=0.36)
    # naive IDW-like interpolation on regular grid
    shape = light.shape
    nrows, ncols = (shape[0], shape[1])
    lon, lat = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 360, ncols), np.linspace(-90, 90, nrows))
    for i, item in enumerate([[(0, 0), -0], [(0, 1), -90], [(1, 0,), -180], [(1, 1), -270]]):
        ax = fig.add_subplot(spec[item[0]])
        # set up map projection
        m = Basemap(projection='ortho', lat_0=90 - incl, lon_0=item[1], ax=ax)
        # draw lat/lon grid lines every 30 degrees.
        m.drawmeridians(np.arange(0, 360, 30))
        m.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 90, 30))
        # compute native map projection coordinates of lat/lon grid.
        x, y = m(lon, lat)
        # contour data over the map.
        m.contourf(x, y, light, 15, vmin=0., vmax=255., cmap=cmap)

        if i in [0, 2]:
            x2, y2 = m(180 - item[1], incl)
            x2, y2 = m(180 + item[1], incl)
        x1, y1 = (-10, 5)

        ax.annotate(str('%0.2f' % (abs(item[1]) / 360.)), xy=(x2, y2),  xycoords='data',
            xytext=(x1, y1), textcoords='offset points',

    ax5 = fig.add_subplot(spec[-1, :2])

    ax5.imshow(light_rect, vmin=0., vmax=255., cmap=cmap, interpolation='none', extent=[0, 360, -90, 90])
    ax5.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 420, 60))
    ax5.set_yticks(np.arange(-90, 120, 30))
    ax5.set_xlabel('Longitude ($^\circ$)', fontsize=7)
    ax5.set_ylabel('Latitude ($^\circ$)', fontsize=7)

    ax6 = fig.add_subplot(spec[0:, 2])
    shf = 0.0
    for i in range(len(syn['phase'])):
        ax6.plot(syn['v'], syn['obs'][:, -i - 1] + shf, 'bo', ms=2)
        ax6.plot(syn['v'], syn['prf'][:, -i - 1] + shf, 'r', linewidth=1)
        ax6.text(min(syn['v']), max(syn['obs'][:, -i - 1] + shf), str('%0.2f' % syn['phase'][-i - 1]),

        shf += 0.1

    p1 = ax6.lines[0]
    p2 = ax6.lines[-1]
    p1datay = p1.get_ydata()
    p1datax = p1.get_xdata()
    p2datay = p2.get_ydata()

    y1, y2 = min(p1datay) - min(p1datay) / 20.,max(p2datay) + min(p1datay) / 10.
    ax6.set_ylim([y1, y2])
    ax6.set_xlabel('V ($km s^{-1}$)', fontsize=7)
    ax6.set_ylabel('I / Ic', fontsize=7)
    max_ = int(max(p1datax))
    ax6.set_xticks([-max_, np.floor(-max_ / 2.), 0.0, np.ceil(max_ / 2.), max_])

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Star parameters
    star = {'ntot': 1876, 'type': 0, 'incl': 70, 'vsini': 50, 'fwhm': 7.0, 'd': 0.6,
            'limbd': 0.5, 'nphases': 5, 'vrange': np.sqrt(50 ** 2 + 7.0 ** 2) * 1.4,
            'vstep': 1.0, 'snr': 500}

    # Spot parameters
    lon_spot = [40, 130, 220, 310]
    lat_spot = [-30, 0, 60, 30]
    r_spot = [20, 20, 20, 20]
    c_spot = [0.1, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3]

    tbl = np.array([lon_spot, lat_spot, r_spot, c_spot]).T
    spots = {'n': len(lon_spot), 'type': star['type'], 'tbl': tbl}

    # Generate grid
    grid = DI_GridInit(star['ntot'])

    # Generate map
    cmap = DI_Map(grid, spots)

    # Generate spectral line profiles
    csyn, grad = DI_Prf(grid, star, cmap, nonoise=True)

    # Plotting map and line profiles
    plotting(grid, cmap, csyn, star['incl'], star['type'])

    # Generate map over the line profiles using scipy.optimize.minimize
    invp = {'lambda': 20, 'regtype': 0, 'maxiter': 10}
    grid_inv = DI_GridInit(star['ntot'])
    functargs = {'star': star, 'grid': grid_inv, 'obs': csyn, 'invp': invp}

    cmap = np.ones(star['ntot'])
    cmap[0] = 0.99

    bnd = list(zip(np.zeros(len(cmap), dtype=float), np.ones(len(cmap), dtype=float)))

    minimize(DI_func, cmap, args=functargs, method='TNC', bounds=bnd,
             callback=None, options={'eps': 0.1, 'maxiter': 5, 'disp': True})

The code includes followed parts.

'DI_GridInit' : Generates grids for the map

'DI_Map' : Generates star surface map according to starspot parameters (such as longitude, latitude, radius and contrast)

'DI_Prf' : Generates spectral line profiles according to map

Now I want to obtain the surface map over the generated and noised line profiles. I use scipy.optimize.minimize (TNC method) for obtain the surface map. I use 'DI_func' as function in minimize. But 'minimize' is so slow. What is the problem. How can I speed this up.


  • Here is a modified version of DI_Prf, where is the major computation time during the execution of DI_func:

    def DI_Prf(grid, star, map, phase=None, vv=None, vr=None, nonoise=None):
        # velocity array
        if vv is not None:
            nv = len(vv)
            nv = int(np.ceil(2.0 * star['vrange'] / star['vstep']))
            vv = -star['vrange'] + np.arange(nv, dtype=float) * star['vstep']
        # phase array
        if phase is None:
            phase = np.arange(star['nphases'], dtype=float) / star['nphases']
        # velocity correction for each phase
        vr = np.zeros(star['nphases'], dtype=float) if vr == None else None
        # fixed trigonometric quantities
        cosi = np.cos(np.deg2rad(star['incl'])); sini = np.sin(np.deg2rad(star['incl']))
        coslat = np.cos(grid['lat']); sinlat = np.sin(grid['lat'])
        # FWHM to Gaussian sigma
        sigm = star['fwhm'] / np.sqrt(8.0 * np.log(2.0))
        isig = (-0.5 / sigm ** 2)
        # initialize line profile and integrated field arrays
        prf = np.zeros((nv, len(phase)), dtype=float)
        # gradient if called with 5 - variable input
        grad = np.zeros((nv, len(phase), grid['ntot']), dtype=float)
        # phase loop
        for i in range(len(phase)):
            coslon = np.cos(grid['lon'] + 2.0 * np.pi * phase[i])
            sinlon = np.sin(grid['lon'] + 2.0 * np.pi * phase[i])
            mu = sinlat * cosi + coslat * sini * coslon
            ivis = np.argwhere(mu > 0.).T[0]
            dv = -sinlon[ivis] * coslat[ivis] * star['vsini']
            avis = grid['area'][ivis] * mu[ivis] * (1.0 - star['limbd'] + star['limbd'] * mu[ivis])
            if star['type'] == 0:
                wgt = avis * map[ivis]
                wgtn = sum(wgt)
                #for j in range(nv):
                #    plc = 1.0 - star['d'] * np.exp(isig * (vv[j] + dv - vr[i]) ** 2)
                #    prf[j][i] = sum(wgt * plc) / wgtn
                #    grad[j][i][ivis] = avis * plc / wgtn - avis * prf[j][i] / wgtn
                plc = 1.0 - star['d'] * np.exp(isig * (vv[:, np.newaxis] + dv[np.newaxis, :] - vr[i]) ** 2)
                prf[:, i] = np.sum(wgt * plc, axis=1) / wgtn
                grad[:, i, ivis] = avis * plc / wgtn - (avis[:, np.newaxis]*prf[:, i]).T / wgtn
            elif star['type'] == 1:
                wgt = avis
                wgtn = sum(wgt)
                for j in range(nv):  # to be modified too
                    plc = 1.0 - map[ivis] * star['d'] * np.exp(isig * (vv[j] + dv - vr[i]) ** 2)
                    prf[j][i] = sum(wgt * plc) / wgtn
                    grad[j][i][ivis] = -wgt / wgtn * star['d'] * np.exp(isig * (vv[j] + dv - vr[i]) ** 2)
        # output structure
        syn = {'v': vv, 'phase': phase, 'prf': prf}
        # add noise
        if star['snr'] != -1 and nonoise != None:
            #for i in range(star['nphases']):
            obs = syn['prf'] + np.random.standard_normal(size=syn['prf'].shape) / star['snr']
            syn['obs'] = obs
        return syn, grad

    It reduces the time by 3:

    syn, grad = DI_Prf(grid, star, cmap, phase=obs['phase'], vv=obs['v'])
    # 127 ms ± 2.61 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
    # 40.7 ms ± 683 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

    The main idea with Numpy is to not use loops, but work with multidimensional array, and use the broadcasting capabilities.

    For instance:

    fchi = 0.0
    for i in range(star['nphases']):
        fchi = fchi + sign * sum((syn['prf'][:, i] - obs['obs'][:, i]) ** 2 / er ** 2) / nv

    could be replaced with:

    fchi = sign / nv / er ** 2 * np.sum( np.sum((syn['prf'] - obs['obs']) ** 2, axis=1 ) )

    same for np.random.standard_normal(size=syn['prf'].shape)

    It's not a big improvement here because star['nphases'] is small, but it is relatively important for the other axis. You could go further and remove the for loop over the phases in DI_Prf but it requires some thinking