I found List.delete/2
, that deletes only the first entry searched. I was looking for something that deletes all the entries, like
[:a, :b, :c, :a, :a]
|> List.delete_all :a
[:b, :c]
Is there something like that? Perhaps something like List.delete_all/2
You are looking for Enum.reject/2
Enum.reject(~w|a b c a a|a, & &1 == :a)
#⇒ [:b, :c]
Sidenote: using pipe for the single operation is considered an anti-pattern by Elixir core team.
Another (more flexible) possibility would be to use Enum.reduce/3
~w|a b c a a|a
|> Enum.reduce([],
&(if &1 == :a, do: &2, else: [&1 | &2]))
|> :lists.reverse()
#⇒ [:b, :c]
More erlangish (and elegant) approach would be to use recursion:
defmodule M do
def get_rid_of(e, list, acc \\ [])
def get_rid_of(_, [], acc),
do: :list.reverse(acc)
def get_rid_of(e, [e | rest], acc),
do: get_rid_of(e, rest, acc)
def get_rid_of(e, [o | rest], acc),
do: get_rid_of(e, rest, [o | acc])
M.get_rid_of :a, ~w|a b c a a|a
#⇒ [:b, :c]