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How Can I Override Visual Studio's Menu Accelerator Shortcuts?

I'm a Mac-based .Net developer so over the years I've got into the habit of remapping certain common functions to a more 'Macish' set of keyboard shortcuts:

CUT: Ctrl + X => Alt + X
COPY: Ctrl + C => Alt + C
PASTE: Ctrl + V => Alt + V
SELECT ALL: Ctrol + A => Alt + A
SAVE: Ctrl + S => Alt + S

and so on.

with this fancy schmancy VS 2010 Premium edition we've just got we've got extra menus e.g.


whose menu accessor (accelerator?)shortcuts are Alt + S and Alt + A which take precedence over my user-defined shortcuts for SAVE and SELECT ALL.

Is there a way of disabling these accessors so my overrides will work?


  • Here's how to change the shortcut key for a Visual Studio menu, using the 'Test' menu as an example:

    1. Go to Tools, Customize.
    2. Click the Commands tab.
    3. Ensure the Menu bar option is selected, and that Menu Bar is chosen for editing from the drop-down (this is the primary application menu bar).
    4. In the Controls section, click on the Test menu.
    5. Click on the Modify Selection ▼ button.
    6. Change the text for the Name property:
      • Any letter prefixed with an '&' ampersand will act as the shortcut key.
      • The ampersand is not required if you don't need to reach this menu with the keyboard.
    7. Press Enter to keep the setting.

    Editing the Test menu

    'Modify Selection' for the Test menu