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git svn authors duplicate error

I have to migrate our SVN repos to Git (FINALLY !). I don't know SVN very well, so maybe my lack of knowledge on this point is problem. Nevertheless, for now I plan to use git svn.

But I have a little issue with authors remapping. I exported all authors list from SVN and created a authors.txt file as described by documentation. Example :

johnD = John Doe <[email protected]>
andrewS = Andrew San <[email protected]>
rogerF = Roger Federer <[email protected]>
johnDAdmin = John Doe <[email protected]>

When I try to convert ours repos with a authors.txt file similar to this I one, git svn throws the following exception :

Option authors is ambiguous (authors-file, authors-prog)

Thats probably beacause I want to map 2 SVN authors to 1 git author (johnD and johnDAdmin are the same person but 2 differents accounts).

I know I could migrate this with by mapping them to 2 git authors and after rewrite history to update authors in git history, but I have tens of duplicates accounts and hundreds of repos to migrate and that would be very fastidous to rewrite history for all those repos and authors.

So, does anyone have an idea on how to do to avoid this error ?

Regards, Selmir


  • No, there is no problem in mapping different SVN users to the same git user/email.

    The problem seems to be that you've used both --authors-file and --authors-prog options. Use only one of them.